Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Can you live a normal life after thyroid removal? I will have thyroid removal surgery. Can you live a normal life after thyroid removal?

Thyroid removal is indicated in situations where the thyroid is grossly enlarged causing obstruction to swallowing and breathing or when biopsy has revealed thyroid cancer. Surgery should be performed by physicians specialized in this type of procedure, preferably at a major hospital center. The neck has many delicate structures that must be ptotected. Removal of the thyroid gland does not interfere with normal activities providing that the patient supplements thyroid hormone with a pill prescribed and supervised by their physician. Blood testing for thyroid hormone levels after surgery will be performed several times a year to confirm that the dosing is appropriate. 

Can I eat fruits with diabetes type 2? I have diabetes type 2. Can I eat fruits with diabetes type 2?

Fruit is a valuable component of the diabetes diet. Attention should be paid to apportioning in the meal.  A cup of seasonal fruit complements the vegetables, simple carbohydrates, fat and protein on the plate. The glucose response to a mixed meal as described in my book A Blueprint for Healthy Eating: Your Diet Guide for the New Millennium (2nd edition) is smooth without exaggerated peaks. Fruit consumed alone is unchecked in its absorption and generally contributes to hyperglycemia.